These simple examples should make it clear that transactions are necessary in order to maintain data integrity and consistency. 这些简单的示例应该清楚地说明,为了维护数据完整性和一致性,必须使用事务。
This allows the server to be more fully utilized without compromising data integrity. 这样可以在不损失数据完整性的情况下更充分地利用服务器。
Decisions impacting data management and data integrity should be founded on use cases. 影响数据管理和数据完整性的决策都应该出现在用例中。
Since IBM solidDB always persists all the data to disk, data integrity is ensured over server failures. 由于IBMsolidDB始终把所有数据持久化到磁盘中,因此确保了在发生服务器故障时的数据完整性。
Data integrity is a similar issue to confidentiality. 数据完整性是与机密性相类似的一个问题。
The hypothetical online purchasing system also provides a good example for data integrity. 虚构的在线购物系统还提供了很好的数据完整性的例子。
It involves various aspects if information security, including authentication, data confidentiality, data integrity, and non-repudiation. 还涉及到信息安全的各个方面,包括身份验证、数据保密性、数据完整性和不可抵赖性。
It provides powerful and flexible transaction support, and handles security, data integrity, and resource scheduling. 它提供强大且灵活的事务支持,可以处理安全、数据完整和资源调度。
This security enhancement feature supports data confidentiality and data integrity. 改进的安全特性支持数据保密性和数据完整性。
Data integrity is maintained asynchronously over secure network connections. 数据完整性是在安全的网络连接上异步地维护的。
The Enterprise Replication enhancements ease administration, improve data integrity, and allow additional SQL operations. EnterpriseReplication的改进简化了管理、提高了数据完整性,并允许进行其他SQL操作。
Digital signatures and hash algorithms are mechanisms used to provide data integrity. 数据签名和哈希算法是用于提供数据完整性的机制。
Transactions are necessary to ensure a high degree of data integrity and consistency. 事务需要确保高度的数据完整性和一致性。
Likewise, a web services response can be digitally signed to ensure data integrity. 同样地,还可以对Web服务响应进行数字签名,从而确保数据的完整性。
How do you do this and still maintain a high level of data integrity and consistency? 您如何才能实现这些目的,同时仍然维持高水平的数据完整性和一致性呢?
This is the second of three tips on roundtripping and data integrity. 这是三个关于往返和数据完整性的技巧中的第二个技巧。
JSSE delivers a Java implementation of the SSL and TLS protocols supporting data integrity and privacy. JSSE提供了SSL和TSL协议的Java实现以支持数据完整性和私密性。
The RR isolation level ensures maximum data integrity at the cost of high performance. RR隔离级别保证了最大程度的数据集成,同时以高性能为代价。
This function can be used to validate data integrity. 这个函数使用来验证一个整数的有效性的。
This will help maintain data integrity. 这有助于维护数据完整性。
The previously mentioned security services can be combined to give entity authentication, data integrity, and data confidentiality. 前面提到的安全服务组合使用,可以实现实体身份验证、数据完整性和数据保密性。
To resolve this warning, perform an application-level integrity check of the database to ensure application-level data integrity. 要解决此警告,请对数据库执行应用程序级完整性检查,以确保应用程序级数据完整性。
Maintain data integrity for all relevant system parameters and purchasing information. 与采购相关的系统参数,信息的维护。
Transactions that ensure data integrity by supporting commit and rollback when packages perform multiple operations. 事务,在执行多个操作时支持提交和回滚,从而可确保数据的完整性。
Automatic peer recovery does require the use and guarantee of exclusive file locks to ensure transactional data integrity. 自动对等恢复需要排它文件锁定的使用和保证来确保事务的数据完整性。
It can solve data tracking and data integrity constraints to use trigger in teaching management systems. 在教学管理系统中应用触发器可以解决数据追踪和数据库完整性约束。
Security: Ensure that the component or system maintains user confidentiality, data integrity, and authorized permissions. 安全:确保组件或系统保证用户信息机密性、数据完整性、授权的允许性。
Strong function, check the data integrity simultaneously in encrypt process. 在加密过程中直接实现了数据完整性校验的功能。
Checksumming is a common way to validate data integrity. 验证数据完整性的一个常见方法是校验和。
We greatly improved data integrity. 其中对系统最大的改变是我们直接改良了数据的完整性。